Method for uploading of subscribers

The Retail Rocket system allows you to upload subscribers via API, passing a CSV file with subscribers in the body of request.

Description of CSV-file

To upload subscribers via API, it's necessary to generate a CSV-file with a specific format.

CSV-file example

[email protected]trueBerlin...Female
[email protected]falseMadrid...Male


  • Email: user' email-address;
  • IsSubscribed: status for subscription
    • true - it's allowed to send emails;
    • false - it's not allowed to send emails;
  • Other columns - Additional custom parameters for a user, where is column name - parameter name;

File requirements

  • File encoding must be UTF-8​;
  • ​Maximum recommended file size: 100 000​ lines;
  • The file size should not exceed 4 MB;
  • Each new CSV-file with subscribers should be passed only after receiving the 200 OK status of the previous upload;
  • Concurrent uploads not recommended;