Method for uploading of sales history

The method allows you to upload the sales history of offline stores, which allows you to use the following scenarios:

  • Sending offline post-transactional emails if the corresponding script is enabled;
  • Sending offline Next Best Offer emails if the corresponding script is enabled;
  • Sending offline Repurchase emails if the corresponding script is enabled;

Description of CSV-file

To upload sales history via API, it's necessary to generate a CSV-file with a specific format.

CSV-file example

File must not contain names for columns.

DATE(format ISO_8601)TRANSACTION_IDItemIdPriceEmailQuantity
2022-06-14"order_5425""23451""1499""[email protected]"3
2022-06-13"order_53264""65423""999""[email protected]"1


  • DATE: Date of order, in format ISO-8601;
    • If you specify a date in the format "2022-12-04", then the order will be recorded at 00:00:00.
    • If you specify the date in the format "2022-12-04 15:00:00", then the order will be recorded at 15:00:00 (taking into account the time zone from the partner office settings).
    • If you specify the date in the format "2022-12-04 15:00:00 +06", then the order will be recorded at 15:00:00 in the 06 time zone.
  • TRANSACTION_ID: ID of transaction (order number), string;
  • ItemId: Product identifier in order, must correspond to ID which passed in product database (XML / Product API);
  • Price: Price inclusive of discounts for one unit of product;
  • Email: Email-address of a user;
  • Quantity: Quantity of items in order;

File requirements

  • The file must be in UTF-8 encoding;
  • The file size should not exceed 4 MB;
  • The file separator must be set to a comma;


Additional information

  • New users which were passed by the method of uploading of offline orders will be subscribed to mailings;
  • stockId parameter will be automatically assigned to users if they did not have the stockId before. If the stockId parameter already existed, then its value will not change;