Order attribution

Recommendation Blocks

An order is attributed to a recommendation block if it contains at least one item that the website visitor interacted with through a recommendation block no more than 24 hours ago.

Interaction is defined as a click or adding the item directly from the product card within the recommendation block.
For group items, interaction with any item within the group is taken into account. For example, a user may click on a recommended t-shirt of one color but order another. This item will be considered sold with the involvement of recommendation blocks.

Email Campaigns

The order is attributed to the email campaign if it was made after the website visit from the email, and there were no other website visits from different sources, push notifications, or emails between the order and the visit from the email.

Web-push notifications

The order is attributed to the web push notification if it was made after the website visit from clicking on the notification, and there were no other website visits from different sources, push notifications, or emails between the order and the visit from the web push notification.


Partial or full order cancellations, as well as product returns, do not affect attribution.