Tracking code for transferring of data of an unregistered user


This method must be passed in order to pass information about a customer to the Retail Rocket system, for example, an email address that is not yet known to launch a system identifier in an online store.

Can be used on the subscription forms in the footer, on subscription pop-ups and etc.

Note: This method should not be used for unsubscribing previously subscribed users.


Parameters description

<email> - user' email address, optional parameter;

<phone> - User phone number in format E.164, optional parameter;

<defaultStockId> - Identifier of the stock (region), optional parameter;

<softLinks> - dictionary, pointer to the customer - a pair consisting of key-string and a value-string (for example, the key is "loyalty card", and the value is "number of loyalty card"), optional parameter;

<customData> - dictionary with string-key and string-value, additional parameters for customer, optional parameter;

<isAgreedToReceiveMarketingMail> - Subscription consent, default value is true

Example of code

    "email": "[email protected]",                    
    "phone": "+79999999999",    
    "softLinks": [{name: "bonus card", value: "234234"}],
    "defaultStockId": "<stock identifier>",        
    "customData": {"data1": "value1"},                 
    "isAgreedToReceiveMarketingMail": true            